Plaque vs. Calculus

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WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PLAQUE AND CALCULUS? Plaque is soft:  Everyone has bacteria in their mouth. Some strains of bacteria are good. However, some are bad and cause halitosis (bad breath), gingivitis, periodontal disease, and…

What are sealants?

By admin

The chewing surface of your teeth are not smooth.  They have grooves and pits where plaque and food particles can collect.  The bristles on your toothbrush often cannot reach all the way down in the…

Regular Dental Visits

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Many people have anxiety when going to the dentist. But when it comes to taking care of your teeth, avoiding the dentist will only cause more problems and cost more money. The longer you wait…

Dental Care and Pregnancy

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Expecting mothers are often concerned about the safety of having dental work done while they are pregnant. Fortunately, almost all dental procedures are completely safe to undergo during pregnancy. In fact, it is highly recommended…

Welcome to our Blog!

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As part of our new website, we are going to try to incorporate a blog to be able to discuss dental care, treatment options and anything else we feel could be of interest to our…